30 days: Day 30 – Worth

Here we are. At the end. It really doesn’t feel like it was 30 days ago that I embarked on this blogging challenge, started by Tina late last year. And quite aptly, the final topic forces me to consider my ‘worth’ by revisiting all 29 topics which have come before.

I long for us all to fully believe we hold so much value, so we may go out and live our lives with the beauty that unmistakably defines us. You are worthy because:

Your body does miraculous things. It carries you through life and gives you the physical capacity to do many things you love. It provides health and vitality to enjoy all life has to offer. Your body is pretty freaking awesome!! Never forget the gifts of your body.

Remember that those body parts which share so many gifts are also gorgeous as well. Even if they don’t fit in with the standards of society, they are still beautiful. Our unique physical attributes make us lovely.

Even more beautiful than all of that, however, is what makes up who we are. None of us are perfect, but all of us are wonderful. We each have our own strengths which can help uplift others. We each have our own passions, which can make life more exciting. We each have something to offer the world.

Go forth from this 30 days and continue to drain every drop of sweetness from life. You deserve it.  Always remember to see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe you have the strength and will to reach it. Take joy in every day because you have the power to find it and claim it for your own. Don’t let trivial matters of numbers and physical appearance define you. Refuse to lose your life in a search for control, a denial of forgiveness, or fear to try new challenges. Live so you may love yourself. And then love yourself more, so you may live more. 

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.Linking all of the topics back to my responses took far longer than I expected but, in so doing it gave me the opportunity to not only revisit what I’d written, but also take note of the things I said I would do (more of or less of). And I need to be accountable… to not only me, but to anyone who has taken the time to read my words over these past 30 days.

So, when I am feeling vulnerable and disempowered I will remember that I have things to be confident about and I will remind myself that I possess intrinsic beauty in the form of compassion and consideration for others.

I am worthyAnd, sometimes I have to switch my mind off and stop overanalysing things and remember that I CAN trust in my body to know what’s best for me.

I also must remind myself that, just as I have love for my family and friends, I too am loved by others, so must have lovable traits.

Very importantly, I need to gain more perspective and reshape my thinking, to approach the world more positively. I will try to fear failure less in order to appreciate success more.  I will attempt to find joy in the world around me and focus on the small things. I will forgive myself for my many failures, knowing there will be many more to come and I will stop the fat talk and self-deprecating comments. I will follow my passions.   I only have one life to live and must live that life with purpose.

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