Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Yesterday’s post was so swathed in sugar that I decided to continue to theme for as long as possible… well until I barf; or before the ‘real’ me reappears in some Exorcist-head-spinning; or Alien-erupting-from-the-stomach scene.

Hopefully you get the title and Sound of Music reference...

As I was thinking yesterday about the notion of a ‘You are fucking awesome’ post-it note stuck to my computer to cheer me up, I pondered on the other things in life which bring a smile to my face. And no… this won’t be a ‘things I am thankful for’ post where I talk about ‘how lucky I am to have caring friends and family and live in a conflict-free country’ yadda, yadda, yadda.

In fact – for a change – I’m not delving that deeply. I’m not talking about everlasting deep-seated joy.  Instead, I’m bypassing the existentialism and desire for self-actualisation and just thinking about those things that put a smile on my dial. In a manner of speaking: like each time I put on something that didn’t fit me six months ago; or when I’ve finished an exercise class and have a sense of accomplishment. And then sometimes, it’s the simple things….

Flannelette pyjamas and flannelette sheets in winter. There’s nothing I love better than crawling into either. Every winter I buy myself a new pair of PJs and usually I go with some age-appropriate theme… this year’s were adorned with Snoopy; but before that it was Tweety; then Eyeore; and well… you get my drift. I even (for a period of time) had a bit of a slipper thing. I had these big fluffy things that looked like I was wearing a kitten on each foot, but scared the bejesus out of actual kittens; and before that slippers in the shape of spotted cows. Yes… it’s true. My life is so pathetic that I am compelled to entertain myself with funny PJs and slippers. Tragic isn’t it? (Actually, no… only for the onlooker! To this day I can remember smiling as Whoopi Goldberg jumped about in her PJs and slippers to ‘Jumpin’ Jack Flash’, in a fairly-ordinary comedy by the same name.)

Great jewellery. I’ve mentioned before that – when forced to dress in clothing akin to a Mumu – I added a bit of individuality through my jewellery. I’m not big on the ‘real deal’ and figure I don’t want to buy decent rings, bracelets etc until I can buy DECENT rings, bracelets etc… plus I do have some sort of weird ethical problem with people wearing something that could feed a small town in a third world country (unless they are also using their hard-earned cash to help feed that small town in addition to procuring their $2m engagement ring!).

Nah… I go for cheap costume stuff. (Well, not always cheap – but definitely fun and tasteful!)

I find I don a piece of jewellery as I’m heading to work each day or out and about and my mood is lifted. And it says something about who I am. Just recently, only a couple of days before my father passed, I had a job interview. I wasn’t really in the right frame of mind and feeling a bit ‘Meh!’ about the whole thing… So, as I put on my interview suit, I searched my cupboard for some jewellery to help me get through the ordeal. I’m not sure it sent the right message, but I added my current favourite necklace – Pinocchio – who never fails to cheer me up because, if I lean over and he hits the table, his moveable legs can do a little dance – entertaining me beyond belief in boring meetings!

moves-like-jaggerMusic. I know people will understand this one. I found myself in tears at the end of a Pump class recently when we cooled down to a bloody Celine Dion song which reminded me of a scene from a movie, which (in turn) reminded me of dad. 

Similarly, a month or so ago I was heading into work when I suddenly ‘lost it’ (it was just a few weeks after dad passed away). As I got closer to the office I tried to pull myself out of the funk and… I put “Moves Like Jagger” on through my iPhone’s headphones and let it sear into my brain. Immediately my mood changed. I had to force myself not to wiggle about in my train seat as the music cheered my soul. Music is mightily powerful. It can do all of those things!

Obviously there are a heap of other things that cheer me up – even momentarily (red wine, caramello koalas, champagne, television, books, blogging etc). But I talk about them all of the time, so wanted to share a couple of others today.

 Without having to overanalyse the issue, I’d love to hear about a couple of your favourite things.


  1. Hi. Loving this blog. On a note about p.j.’s, I had some favourite flannelette ones for a few years and they had licorice allsorts all over them and I loved those p.j.’s so much as they were comfortable and warm, until of course, I wore them out and now I no longer have them.

    Things that make me happy are: a really cold beer on a really hot day, snuggling under a blanket and watching a romantic comedy on a dark, dull rainy day (similar to today’s weather, but unfortunately I am working), and I must admit, until recently, chocolate topped the chart, but I haven’t had a good chocolate feast for a few months, and a few weeks ago, had a chocolate frog ‘incident’ where I couldn’t get through one.

    • Leanne – I can’t believe you couldn’t get through a freddo! Please tell me it was a giant one!

      I love my PJs and each year buy the biggest pair I can possibly find! I’ve only just packed them away, which is annoying cos I could have worn them for another few weeks in this weather!

      Wish I was at home today too!!!


      • Hi Deb. Yep, it was a giant one, but still……… it just didn’t taste right. Family sized snack is my favourite of favourites and could inhale a block all to myself quite easily. So, not quite brave enough to tempt fate with that one.

      • Nah… probably not a good idea. As I’ve said… I’ve been succumbing to caramello koalas quite a bit lately!

  2. As a Melbourne girl, I have a drawer full of socks. Some people regard socks as necessary evils, the most boring item of clothing ever etc etc. Not me. I adore socks. And some days, just some, and you don’t know it until you open the drawer and they wave at you, are


    My feet are happy in red socks.


    • Love it! My boss used to wear bright coloured and patterned socks and I used to love that they were hidden beneath his desk – he looked so staid otherwise…

  3. You crack me up! Among many things, I love fresh sheets on the bed and the season’s first big wet snow that makes the trees look like they’ve been dipped in white chocolate. Also, watching the videos to the Lazy Song (Bruno Mars) and Sexy and I Know It (LMFAO).

    • Haven’t seen the Bruno Mars clip… Love LMFAO though…. We do it at Zumba and I walk around for days singing ‘Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle, yeah…’.

    • Me too. Loving this cold summer at the moment… though not the rain when I need to be out and about. I’d prefer it rain on the weekend when I can stay home and snuggle up!

  4. I love 1000 count thread sheets and doona covers, fireworks and the looks on random kids faces when they watch fireworks, music that has special memories attached to it, blue shoes, glitter flats and converse chucks, my Chuppa Chups gym bag, fresh raspberries, eating cherries on my birthday, my guitar and digging my toes into wet sand at the beach. 🙂

    • What a great list! I have so many questions….: why only cherries on your bday for eg; intrigued about the Chupa Chup gym bag and blue shoe fetish!

  5. HA! I laughed out loud at the image of those poor kittens 😛

    I’m a PJ girl too. I should make a list of non-food ways to reward myself, because PJs would be way up on the list. Although the best reward would be to fit into my trashiest of white-trash fake-satin cyan Tweety-knock-off set (that’s right, it’s not even the *real* Tweety). Now there’s a goal…

    • Laughed at the idea of a fake Tweety. I’m always excited that big discount stores here in Oz stock large size flannelette / fleecy PJs. In fact that’s about the only place that I’ve PJs in larger sizes. I must admit at the moment I’m stoked I’m fitting into some old summer PJs – shorter shorts etc that I think were once tight! Yay!

  6. Hi Deb! I love your list! No wonder I enjoy you. 😀

    I love Victoria’s Secret body butter. I love my drawer of dark chocolate candy bars. I love my dog Keebler by me when I watch some BBC period piece on Netflix. I love the song Video Killed The Radio Star by the Buggles, the rendition with violins in the background. I still love Party Rock Anthem and have done so many backbends to that song. I love bright and crazy workout shirts. I really enjoyed telling my weird vacation stories.

    :- ) Marion

    • Yep…. it’s the same for me, as I have a fondness for BBC period pieces (especially the ones with dark brooding men!). I (sadly) remember Video Killed the Radio Star and also LOVE Party Rock Anthem, as we dance to it nearly every week at Zumba.

      Not too sure about the workout shirts. My main criteria is that they have to be HUGE and long to cover the scary bits!

      • Scary weird shirts *do* cover scary questionable areas the best. Consider my bright yellow skull and lime green bat black exercise shirt, do you think people are analyzing the gut behind all of that? Strangely, many people at the gym love this shirt. 🙂 Marion

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